Thanks @abletec, really!
I think I’m low-risk to typical suicide category, but definitely prone to falling into self-destructive patterns of eating/lifestyle. The last week has been good, with 2 x productive days so far. 2 more than the last few months, so that’s an improvement, along with some other housekeeping type things. When I say productive, that’s on my own projects that I want to do, not client work or such, so those do give me a mental boost. Shifting my focus to what really matters to me, in terms of open source, minimalist tech, accessibility is helping. It will be a slower/longer journey, but in a direction where I feel the progress 
Back to the issue at hand - there’s an error or (less likely) an endless loop somewhere.
If you can trace the errors, starting from the browser (open console to Network tab and wait to see a failed request during export). And going through to the webserver - look for the PHP or webserver error logs.
But, I’d suggest switching to that more Windows-friendly build I sent you link to (
Re S3 compatible deployer - not in this project or WP2Static. We discussed in GitHub Issues a little while back whether we should add that to the new WP2Static S3 Add-On, but decided it makes more sense to make a standalone “S3 Compatible” add-on, as the S3 add-on has a lot of very AWS specific stuff in it now, which is great, but we can’t be sure what’s supported for each service like Minimo, DO Spaces, Rackspace, etc.
I imagine we’ll end up with:
- S3 specific add-on
- S3 compatible add-on
- other vendor specific add-ons when I get around to it or if someone contributes (easier now with WP2Static vs Static HTML Output to create a custom add-on).
Also, I didn’t learn what specific way you’re hosting WordPress within Win 10, but chances are it’s the bug around Windows filepath support, for which the aformentioned link should get you there, unless there’s some other errors in the log.
Also, once it’s running for you, we can discuss ways to speed up the process/tweak the webserver a bit more, too.