Long crawl times?

Hey Leon, 1 query I have–is there any way to prevent the plugin from trying to pack media files w/the export & just provide url’s instead? I think that’s likely the problem here,.

The scenario is this. The client has over 60gb of files on my server. It’s shared hosting, so that cannot continue. Many of these are NextGen galleries, &, as you likely know, that particular plugin doesn’t support making galleries using an external server. In the database, the gallery links are not the typical links one would expect, ie, wp-content/uploads/2020/09/file.jpg, but rather it appears the link is wp-content/gallery/galleryname, and the links to the individual images appear to be base64 encoded to provide the links to the images belonging to the gallery in question. If I view the source of a post, I can see the links to the individual images. I just need to create a static site w/these links w/o trying to incorporate the files into the export. Any way that can be done?

Any help appreciated.

Hmm, I believe a few people have cobbled together solutions to this, such as excluding all the uploads URLs using the filter available, with an example here:

Another option is to use a plugin like Delicious Brain’s WP Media Offload plugin.

I’ve heard of one user excluding the URLs from the crawl, but still using another sync tool just for large media directories.

Sorry, these are just ideas/examples and not a concrete solution for your case just yet.