Early feedback / kick the tyres

https://staticweb.io is a soon to be launched platform for securely hosting WordPress development sites and publishing to performance optimised static hosting on AWS. @john-shaffer has done all the amazing dev and infra work on this and I’ll be joining their friendly team to help in support and development.

It’s in the same interesting space as Strattic, Shifter and HardyPress.

I’ve gotten some good feedback from my partner, Grace, and @gulshan from their early tests and my own testing impressed me with its performance and flow.

After a soft launch and some time to let any issues surface, I’ll be promoting it as a recommended way to host sites which can’t be run on Lokl, which is my favourite free option today.

For now, anyone who finds this hidden post, please jump in and give it a try. Sign up with your GitHub account at https://app.staticweb.io, spin up a site and let me know what you think!


Hey @Leon,

I tried this. Getting the following error after clicking ‘Manage’ for a ‘test’ site.

Cool, thanks for trying @nanowhiz! Was it really quick after creating the test site that you saw the error? How about if you try again now? May have been some delay in the instance becoming available…

cc @john-shaffer

Hey @leonstafford,

Welcome. In fact, in my second trial, it started working and the error disappeared after refreshing.

However, I again faced issue while importing .XML demo content and the website hanged for a while. However, the import was successful as I later noticed the website.

Currently, just facing this issue which might have something to do with JS.

Here is non-static version:

Here is static version:

Please check the ‘clap’ button on the static version. Here the button doesn’t work and it doesn’t increase the count. Will it work with static version or it’s not possible?

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Cool! Yeah, that clapper won’t work, as we can see it’s trying to hit admin-ajax.php and there’s no PHP available in our static site hosting. You should be able to find many other such functionality that uses a 3rd party server and JavaScript only to perform the same kind of behaviour. The challenge would be to preserve the existing site’s clap counters when migrating to another service…

Re the XML import, approximately how large (filesize/posts) was it? And where in the world were you accessing the site from?

got this error.
had to refresh a couple of times to get to the wp-admin.

Shared with CloudApp

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Thanks @mulyadi, we’ll get those errors sorted.

How was site speed to the admin section for you?

the admin section speed was ok.
i changed the theme to blocksy.
used a starter site.
and then run wp2static to deploy it to static.
however, the deployed site hasn’t changed from the default theme.

Wordpress site:

static site:


Looks like it’s coming across on the live site now (missing some assets), but doesn’t look like default theme anymore…

Thanks everyone for kicking the tires. I’ve tracked down the “invalid_request” bug and fixed it. There was a redirect that could happen that was dropping the “code=xxx” parameter.

@nanowhiz The site looks great! The clapper won’t work as-is since this is designed for static sites and WordPress is firewalled off from the Internet and won’t receive the claps. If you want to host the site on StaticWeb, we should be able to set up a serverless clap button for you that would work fine.

@mulyadi Your live site looks pretty solid now. It can take a few minutes for changes to make it to the live site after you’ve updated a post. Usually it only takes a minute or two, but the first time after some big changes might take longer.

I’ll try to stay on the support chat as much as I can during weekdays, so if you have any urgent problems you can always hit me up there.

It’s not mentioned on the website yet, but you can access your servers through SSH and SFTP. You just have to add your SSH public key under Account. The username is your site’s subdomain (e.g., long-mountain-1406) and the server address is ssh.staticweb.io.

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