Fatal error on activation

Tried to activate this plugin on a new site, but it caused a fatal error.

may be an out of date version? Latest development version has no code on that line:

deleted and uninstalled with the latest version.
still the same fatal error.

using the v.6.6.21 version that i downloaded the latest plugin from here:
Static HTML Output: WordPress Static Site Generator Plugin | Thanks for donating!

deployed a new server, on apache, today.
got the same fatal error.

the issue is not localized.
tried just now on local wp, and the error is still the same.
I’m using PHP 8 and wp 58 on apache, and the first one was on nginx.

OK, let me quickly try on a PHP 8 instance and get back to you

OK, @mulyadi, sorry that took so long for me to look into properly - didn’t have a chance earlier in week.

I confirm I was able to reproduce the issue in my PHP 8 instance with Static HTML Output.

Will file an issue and get it fixed

Ugh, this is very sad - I reported it too long ago:

@mulyadi thanks for your patience. I’ve fixed the issue preventing activation in PHP 8 in github now. There’s a few other little errors/warnings I’m seeing, I’ll fix those up, then share you a zip here to test.

thanks man.
really appreciate this, as im actually moving to a new server, and really expecting this to work.

Here we go, please let me know how this goes.

I should be more responsive for plugin development issues again now :smiley:


thanks @leonstafford.
i managed to activate it.
will let you know about the transfer result.

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transferred one/homepage, and the result is not great.
things that I noticed:

  • nav bar is missing/incorrect
  • hero image is not stretched/full width
  • footer is also not stretched/full width

the result from the latest plugin is:

it should be like this:

all of these are 301’ing to main domain’s homepage… should all be trying to load from netlify?

did you set your WP site URL to the netlify one before publishing?

Hi Leon!

Since yesterday I use PHP 8.0.12 on WP 5.8.2 with Static HTML Output (Version 6.6.21) getting the same fatal error as described above.

Since mulyadi hasn’t replied to your last comment, is there anything else you can help with this issue?


Hi @NATJDTD are you using last zip installer or from GitHub source code? I believe PHP 8 support should be fine in latest source code and https://lokl.dev is ready, but needs a new release.

I’ll try to prioritise getting some new releases out for all projects, but may not be for another week at least.

Meanwhile I used the Version 6.6.23-dev via the provided zip-file.

I could activate without getting any errors but unfortunately the crawl (of my 16 URLs) stopped with the message “Failed during “”, please check your Export Log from Logs tab or ask on the support forum.”. The export log is empty.

Next thing I did was clearing the deploy cache but still the same.

Any ideas?

Hi Leon,

I had to downgrade PHP since it caused several issues on other plugins as well. But still, PHP 8.x - as you yourself experienced - has some issues with your - very much appreciated plugin.

I got the tip it might have something to do with deactivated functions in PHP 8.x which caused in earlier versions “just” a warning but now a fatal error.

Still one day I’ll have and want to upgrade to PHP 8.x.

Thanks Man, finally I can activate the plugin.