Issues pushing to S3 after 24-48 hours

Hi again

Every couple of days, WP2Static stops publishing to S3 with the error:

Failed during "Deploying files to S3", please consult the Help tab for where to get assistance.

I’ve enabled debug logs, however when I go to “Logs” and select “Export Log” (or any log for that matter), I get the error:

Requested log file not found

If I click “Test S3 Settings” then I get:

S3 Connection/Upload Test Successful

However, numerous attempts have it fail at the error mentioned above. I’ve found I can fix this, though, by generating a new access key in S3 and pasting into the config.

This has happened twice now and I can’t see any logs in AWS that indicate anything wrong there. I guess first we need to fix the logs in WP2Static right? I’m still running from the version installed in WP Engine’s plugin manager (need to test the build that was just made to allow for private ACLs) and I’m not a WP expert so any help diagnosing this would be amazing.

Thank you!

Ignore me… For some reason, Lastpass was prefilling the key fields, even though I had nothing saved for this particular site that I could see.

Hi @epicpilgrim - thanks for reporting. Alas, it looks like I must implement the good suggestion from @gulshan to make these pseudo password fields, so that password managers don’t try to have their way with them. I was hesitant to do this because it feels wrong to break standards and feels off from a security perspective, but paradoxically, more password manager use means better security for most!

Opening an issue for this.

tracking in an issue here: