Qsandbox and wp2static zip and s3 addon

I am using qsandbox as a staging for my sites. I have wp2static installed - but the addons zip and s3 are not showing in the addons and there is no option to choose how to deliver the static site after processing. The addons are showing installed and activated in the plugins.

Can you Deactivate and Reactivate the zip and s3 plugins and confirm whether the problem persists?

Just tried that with both addons and the problem persists.

What version of WP2Static are you using?

The version is 7.1.6

Can you give me or @leonstafford access to the staging site? We should be able to isolate the problem, but I think I’d really need access to the system to go line-by-line.

How do I send you the info?

In a PM, or just email me if you prefer.

I sent you an email with the login info

This is clearly related to the issue patched by https://github.com/leonstafford/wp2static/pull/742. None of the varchar(255) indices were created. There was no _wp2static_addons table at all because the primary key index could not be created.

Working on a patch now. The addons will need to be patched as well.

Thank you for giving access to debug!


What do I do now?

I’ve patched the plugins on your site, and it seems to work fine and create a zip (the zip path is in the logs). You do still have the deployment URL set to https://example.com, so you will probably have to change that, but otherwise it looks fine now.

When I use the pugin on new sites - do you have the downloads I should use?

Hi @eredas,

I’ve merged @john-shaffer’s latest code into the core WP2Static plugin and will do the same for the addons, whilst making some other changes for them preparing for next release, then they’ll be available for the downloads page on wp2static.com

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(how long that takes is not clear yet)

I screwed up and deleted the zip file link. Can you help fix.


I’ll build you one now

Here they are:



Just noting that the zip addon was fine as-is, and didn’t need any changes.

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