Some issues and workarounds in WP2Static

reported by user:

I did have some problems with the plugin, but they’re solved now.

  • One was about S3 credentials, maybe in cache invalidation step. Someone already reported it and provided solution so I modified the code.
  • Cache is a bit inconvenient, when I queue jobs manually, the plugin often just deployed old version of site.
  • Maybe add an action for emptying cache? I added my own by using plugin’s function.
  • I noticed that when I generated htmls on localhost, and I had set site url also localhost/something, then generated files had invalid urls. For example: wp is at localhost/site and I set site url localhost/site-html, then the result was either localhost/sitesite-html or localhost/site-htmlhtml
  • You could add more headers to files when putting them to S3, like max-age for caching purposes
  • When autoptimize plugin is active then after deleting caches and generating new htmls, automptimize styles are missing

All very useful points and definitely can’t expect most users to persist to deal with such issues!

You could add more headers to files when putting them to S3, like max-age for caching purposes

Should be available in next release, thanks to @john-shaffer’s commit here:

I’ll look into the others as I get back to V7/WP2Static, currently trying to finish up some work on V6/StaticHTMLOutput for an update to go out

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Also, for subdirectory hosted WP, it’s always been a bit of a pain point for me, so I recommend just hosting in a domain/subdomain.