Static HTML Output / Deployment: error encountered

Hi there,

I’m running Static HTML Output Version 6.6.21 on WordPress version 5.5.1.

I’m trying to export a static version of my Wordpress site to an Amazon S3 bucket but I get the following error:

‘Failed during “Deploying files to S3”, please check your Export Log from Logs tab or ask on the support forum.’

I have checked my Amazon S3 details (access key ID, secret access key, etc) and I am certain that all of them are correct.

I checked my export logs and I noticed a long list of ‘Bad Reponse Status (404)’ errors for files and folders that no longer exist on my site, as well as a ‘Bad Response From API (403)’ error and finally a ‘Deployment: error encountered’ error.

Current theme:
Twenty Twenty

Plugins I am running:
Shortcode for Current Date
Static HTML Output

Would anyone be able to assist me with this? I would very much like to make use of this awesome Plugin you developed for us @leonstafford . It really is a game changer for me and possibly the most useful plugin I have come across to date. Can’t thank you enough.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @jimiaffili,

Sorry I haven’t replied to your email yet. Please have a look in this forum and in for mentioned of ACL in S3 - it’s likely the issue which needs public ACL settings unchecked in the S3 bucket’s settings.

Please let me know if that doesn’t work or can’t find that mentioned somewhere else.



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