Wp2Static Pro owner confusion

@leonstafford , I felt like WP2Static dropped off the face of the earth for a while. Glad to see its back (or I think). I am a Pro lifetime owner and don’t know whats going on, I see StaticWP and WP2Static. Are they 2 separate products or is WP2Static being replaced.

Also how does a WP2Static Lifetime Pro Owner get the latest version and which product should I be using. Do WP2Static customers get to use StaticWP with their license? I feel like it could of been more communications with the customers of WP2Static, because Facebook has many posts asking what happened to WP2Static

Hi @TChamberlain,

Yes, sorry for the confusion. I had plans to make things a lot smoother, but unfortunately hit a long bout of mental health issues, which has upset things.

There’s actually 3 WordPress to static plugins I’m maintaining now:

  • WP2Static
  • Static HTML Output
  • Simpler Static

All can be downloaded from GitHub currently, but official releases for each aren’t very up to date. I will be emailing out license holders when there are significant new releases.

In the meantime, I suggest trying this one for best balance of ease of use and export quality:


Apologies for the confusion/frustration.

